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Sales Training

Sales Training

Audiovisual Conference

How well your sales force is trained will determine how well they produce.  When selling beyond transactional, they need to understand more than just your product and its features and benefits.  It is key that they also understand the selling process and how to motivate buyers to move through it with them.  They need to learn how to set goals and objectives for every call and continually move it forward to closing.

CLEAR Solutions can help you to train your sales force to move beyond the transactional to the complex sale.  We can demonstrate proven tactics and strategies for overcoming objections and roadblocks, turning continuances into advances, and show them when and how to ask for the order before the competition does.  After thousands of sales calls conducted globally in a wide variety of industries, we have developed simple, practical, but effective methods for increasing your sales team's effectiveness and hit rate.

Contact us today to arrange a free phone/video consultation to discuss how we can help you with innovative, practical, and cost effective solutions for Sales Training and any other challenges and opportunities that you are facing.

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